Public info about the author: aditya1987

  • 0-999 counter on Seven Segment In PIC16F877A

    • Free
    • Simple
    • <10
    • Proteus
    • 7+
    • Yes
  • LCD 16×2 4 BIT MODE IN PIC16F877A

    • Free
    • Simple
    • <10
    • Proteus
    • 7+
    • Yes
  • SPI IN PIC16F877A

    • Free
    • Simple
    • <10
    • Proteus
    • 7+
    • Yes
  • PWM IN PIC16F877A

    • Free
    • Simple
    • <10
    • Proteus
    • 7+
    • Yes
  • How to measure Time between pulses

    • Free
    • Simple
    • <10
    • Proteus
    • 7+
    • Yes