How it works

Join the SPICE Simulation Community

Become a member of the YouSpice community and start to download and share the SPICE simulation resources
of the site.

Sign up for a YouSpice account and download the free SPICE projects

Click on the register button, fill the form with your data. A mail with an activation link will be sent to your e-mail address.

Once logged in, all the free circuit simulator projects will be downloadable.

Sign up to the SPICE simulation community

Find the SPICE Simulation projects using the Filters

Select the "SPICE Projects" voice menu.

Access the filters page for selecting electronics sim Projects using several criteria.

Spice Projects page

Use the Text Filters

Write the words that could be part of the circuit simulator project title and press Enter.

circuit simulator filters

Select Spice circuits categories

Select the Electronic Simulation Category

If the Text filter doesn 't get the desired results, click the reset button,  choose the SPICE circuits category and the subcategories that better identify the project you are looking for.

select spice software

Apply additional Filters

You can apply additional Filters to the found results displayed on the page,

use "SPICE software" to select the platform used for the circuit simulator.

select spice circuits complexity

Select the difficult level of the project

With the "complexity" filter, choose projects according to different levels of complexity.

select free or for credits spice circuits

Apply Project Type Filter

Choose between "Free" SPICE projects and "For Credits" SPICE projects. Read below how it's easy to gain Credits.

How to Gain Credits for downloading "for credits" SPICE projects and get access to non-free articles.

Upload your SPICE Projects or SPICE simulation Articles and Gain Credits.

Once logged in, go to Your Area/Dashboard and upload a SPICE project or a SPICE simulation article.

You gain 1 Credit for every "Free" uploaded project , and more Credits if you select "For Credits" projects, or if you post an article.

The number of Credits will be proportional to the importance of the project or article.

Upload SPICE circuit projects or SPICE articles


Participate in the discussion Forum

Gain 1 Credit opening a new topic or replying to another user question.

SPICE simulation Forum

Download "For Credits" Circuit Simulator Projects and Get Access to non-free SPICE Simulation Articles

With the credits earned you can download those SPICE projects that are not free downloadable. You can always view the credit balance in Your Ares/Dashboard.

Top Quality SPICE project

In addition, with credits you can get access to non-free SPICE Articles.

SPICE Article for Credits