Public info about the author: ELEKPAUL

  • Dual supply 8 watt power amplifier with operational amplifier and a darlington couple as final transitors, TIP121 and TIP127. the SPICE model of operational amplifier is UniversalOpamp2, for simulating more aspects of opamp behavior.

    • Free
    • Simple
    • 11-20
    • LTspice
    • IV
    • No
    • transient voltages transient power
  • 1.5Watt audio amplifier with 3dB points at 50hz and 500khz, implemented with only three BJTs with a complementary couple as simple final stage.

    • Free
    • Simple
    • 11-20
    • LTspice
    • IV
    • No
    • transient voltages currents 50-500 khz 3db points
  • SPICE simulation of an ultrasound emitter implemented with a single integrated 4011 of NAND gates. Useful for keeping away mosquitoes and rodents.

    • Free
    • Simple
    • <10
    • LTspice
    • IV
    • No
    • Output pot1 fft pot1 zoom fft pot1 Output pot0 fft pot0 zoom fft pot0 loud voltage loud current
  • SPICE simulation with LTspice of an Astable multivibrator with CD4011.

    • Free
    • Very simple
    • <10
    • LTspice
    • IV
    • No
    • transient fft 22hz frequency oscillation