Altium Designer SPICE simulation

Dive straight into the world of Altium Designer’s SPICE simulation with practical ease. In this instance, we will walk through the creation of a dual-supply inverting operational amplifier circuit. Leveraging the robust capabilities of Altium Designer’s SPICE simulation tools, we’ll lead you through each phase of the process, enabling you to efficiently design and simulate the circuit’s performance. This hands-on experience offers valuable insights into the realm of Altium Designer SPICE simulation, enhancing your circuit analysis and design skills.

On this page, you can discover additional resources to delve deeper into the possibilities of SPICE simulation and learn how to create the PCB for a circuit using Altium Designer.

Let’s begin with the creation of a new circuit schematic.

 a new blank sheet pops up


 on the top toolbar we find the icon to place part

The place part window appears

8051 Microcontroller Course- Embedded C and Assembly Language

Click on the button “…” to open the Browse Libraries window

moving throughout the first list we can select a library

Once selected the library we can easily choose a library’s component

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